Ambient air monitoring assesses pollutant levels by measuring the concentration of key pollutants in the surrounding outdoor air. Utilizing its unrivaled global network of accredited laboratories and sampling offices, MOODY INTERNATIONAL offers ambient air sampling and analytical services to provide you with quality scientific data that enables informed decision-making.
Our comprehensive range of ambient air monitoring services includes:
• Passive monitoring
• Passive sampling is performed by means of diffusive sampling. The results provide a general indication of average pollution concentrations over a period ranging from one week to one month. This methodology is not reliant on electricity and is ideal for baseline measurements or where no permanent site has been established
• Measured pollutants include SO2, NO2, NOx, CO, O3, HF, H2S, BTEX and VOCs
• Dust deposition monitoring
• Dust deposition sampling is performed to determine dust deposition rates at multiple points on the fenceline of a facility. The results of which can provide a general indication of average dust concentrations over a period of one month
• Additional analysis of heavy metals, dioxins and furans can be undertaken on the samples
• Total suspended particulate (TSP) matter and fine particulate matter (PM-10 and PM-2.5)
• TSP refers to airborne particles or aerosols that are less than 100 micrometers in size, usually sampled using a high-volume sampler. PM-10 and PM-2.5 refers to the fine inhalable fractions of suspended dust particles that are regulated due to potential health impacts
• Active sampling by sorbent tube
• Sorbent tube sampling is performed by drawing ambient air through a sampling tube at pre-determined flow rate over a specified duration by means of a calibrated sampling pump
• High volume sampling
• Determines the concentration of pesticides/PCBs using Polyurethane Foam (PUF) and Dioxins/PAHs using PUF/XAD cartridge with quartz fiber filter. Samples are analyzed by accredited MOODY INTERNATIONAL
• Canisters
• A sample vacuum is used to draw a sample into the canister. Can be collected by:
• Grab sampling – generally performed over a short interval (1-5 minutes) and when the sample often needs to be taken quickly e.g. emergency response. Grab samples provide a “snapshot” of the air at the moment of collection
• Integrated sampling – performed over a longer sampling period (5 min – hours). A flow controller is used to regulate the rate at which samples enters the canister. Integrated sampling is useful when air quality fluctuates over time, or when time-weighted concentrations are required
• Continuous monitoring
• MOODY INTERNATIONAL owns and operates, or manages for a client, dedicated mobile and fixed monitoring stations capable of measuring ambient air pollutant concentrations in real-time
• Typical parameters include PM10, PM2.5, O3, SO2, NOx, CO, THC
• Samples are drawn through a Teflon or glass inlet manifold to the analyzer where they are logged at user defined intervals and relayed to a dedicated MOODY INTERNATIONAL
• Data is validated by MOODY INTERNATIONAL personnel, who are responsible for station maintenance and daily, weekly, monthly QC and calibration checks
Are you in need of a quick and reliable Assessment of AMBIENT AIR QUALITY? Our experienced inspectors are qualified and accredited to perform a wide range of inspections according to international standards. In many places across the globe, our inspectors can be on-site within 72 hours. You also have the option to add a video of your inspection for another layer of authentication. • Fast, Flexible and Transparent • Local Expertise • In-House and Accredited Technicians • Personalized Service