BS EN 13549:2001- (Cleaning services quality measuring systems)
BS EN 13549 standard is considered to be the European standard, having been adopted by the European Union and other worldwide countries: United Kingdom, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland for determining the quality level of cleaning services.
EN 13549 has been prepared by the European Committee for Standardization CEN / TC 328 “The standard for the measurement system for the provision of cleaning services”. The standard has been relatively quickly implemented in all European Union (EU) countries and is used by other organizations located outside the European Union (Australia, United States of America, Russia, China, New Zealand, etc.).
EN 13549 is the foundation standard for universally accepted evaluation models and quality control systems (NEN 2075, QLT-100, INSTA 800, LVS 1051). The standard provides basic and principled requirements and recommendations for cleaning service evaluation systems and is compared to the ISO 9000 Quality Management System standard, which resulted in other systems for this family line of standards. Standard EN 13549 clearly defines how cleaning services, and tasks related to the cleaning services, are to be inspected, defines which selection methods must be used, the existing risks identified and recommendations provided.
Standard EN 13549 was created to stabilize the cleaning services market and in order to clarify the situation between the customer, the cleaning company and the cleaning services specialist due to the performance of the provided services and the determination of the quality level sought. The standard is intended for organizations’ quality control systems, as well as to assess the quality of cleaning services visually, using selected models and objective criteria (QLT-100, NEN 2075, INSTA 800, LVS 1051).
The standard EN 13549 is developed in accordance with legal acts, hygiene norms, best worldwide practice and cleaning sector experience.
EN 13549 is the only standard of this type in the world, and this standard is included by customers and cleaning services companies under any contractual obligation to help provide more efficient service and higher levels of quality.
Cleaning services companies that implement this standard and build quality control systems on an EN 13549 basis make more efficient activities, optimize their operational resources and costs of services.
The standard EN 13549 is based on other standards, such as: ISO 2859-1, ISO 2859-2, ISO 3534-1, ISO 3534-2, ISO 8402, bibliography – ISO 9000.
Cleaning services companies, cleaning services customers or other related persons voluntarily apply the assessment models that comply with EN 13549.
MOODY carries out certification services based on this standard for technical quality evaluation models, quality management systems or other standards. It provides training services, organizes courses and seminars, and introduces quality control processes and systems.
Certification process
• Complete a profiling form to customize a quote for your organization detailing the cost, planning and time required. • Conduct a pre-audit to determine if your organization already fulfills the requirements for GLP and identify areas for improvement. • Stage 1 site visit by our auditors to verify the profile submitted during your application and determine your readiness for Stage 2. • Stage 2 on-site audit by MOODY auditors. • Propose and implement corrective actions, if any. *Receive your audit report and certificate from committee.
Why choose MOODY?
MOODY is a global leader in management systems solutions, having issued various management systems certifications to date. Our dedicated and experienced auditors across the globe can speak your language and help you explore the possibility of integrating your BS EN 13549:2001 certification initiative with other management systems. We can also act as a one-stop provider for all your quality certification needs by offering bundled product testing and certification services. With the MOODY certification mark, you demonstrate your commitment to delivering quality products and services