Customer Satisfaction Surveys
Customer Satisfaction is an important word that commonly used in Marketing. It is a proportion of how products and services provided by an organization meet or enhance client desires.
Gauging a customer overall satisfaction with your services and products can help you optimize for a better customer experience and better overall market performance. However getting to know just what your customer think about your brand can be tough Task to take on.
Customer satisfaction surveys serve the performance well, encouraging your client based to share with you their valuable thoughts and ideas freely. By understanding what drives customer satisfaction in the right direction and leveraging tools to translate data actionable insights, You can quickly enhance your company position in the eyes of target consumers.
Study Type - This will be a cross sectional study.
Study Place - This study will be conducted at geographical location ( As per Customer Need)
Sample Size - The respondents will be selected based on need and staffs are expected to be interviewed face-to-face through a semi-structured questionnaire, Email correspondence and telephonic interview.
Sampling Technique - Purposive sampling technique will be adopted.
Data Collecting instrument - One semi structured questionnaire and one in-depth interview questionnaire will be used as data collection instruments. Pre testing of questionnaire will be done before the finalization of data collecting instrument.
Data Collection Procedure - Direct interview by the data collectors trained earlier on the process of data collection will be the data collection procedure. In depth interview will conducted by the investigators after having appointment of the key informants.
Data Editing - At the end of each day of data collection of editing of the filled -up instrument will be done and necessary correction will be done for any omission or incorrectness.
Data Analysis - By using software SPSS/other suitable software (Excel)
Data Presentation - Suitable tables and figures will be prepared to explain the obtained information. Tests of significance will be done where and when required.
Expected results and Interpretations - The result swill show customer satisfaction of including headlining customer quires, questions, feedback and understand their need and Expectations.
Why Chose MOODY Moody is a global leader in Management systems solution, having issues various management systems certificates to date. Our dedicated and experienced auditors and Surveyor across the global can speak your language and help you explore the possibility of integrating your Expected Customer Satisfaction Survey.