Product Certifications
Moody Independently Checked Mark (IC Mark), currently available for non-food consumer products offers reassurance that a product has passed independent, third-party testing. It also brings clarity to a complex market.
What is the Moody Independently Checked Mark: Faced with a range of similar products consumers increasingly need a way to differentiate between them. The MOODY IC Mark enables manufacturers to look beyond achieving the legal minimum, focus on their strengths and put the consumer at the center of plans, with independent.
As a manufacturer or retailer you can chose to test your products against one or more of the initiatives seven testing criteria;
- Quality
- Performance
- Durability
- Functionality
- Usability
- Workmanship
- Preferred material
Clarity From Complexity:
The non-food marketplace features many approval, safety and quality marks, but in many cases there is limited information on the meaning or provenance of each mark. The MOODY IC Mark brings clarity by showing that independent testing has taken place and the results of the tests. Products passing the agreed test parameters will appear in an online database and be allowed to carry the MOODY Independently Checked Mark.
How Does it Work:
MOODY will independently and randomly draw a sample of your product, conduct the testing and post the test results on a publicly accessible online database that makes the products more visible to retailers and consumers. The aim is to generate increased confidence and trust, and demonstrate compliance to the agreed IC Mark criteria, as well as applicable regulations and legislation.
Why MOODY Independently Checked Mark:
Our Independently Checked Mark helps manufacturers and retailers to earn and maintain the trust of consumers. It provides the public with independently-verified proof that a product has passed certain criteria, allowing them to make more informed purchase decisions.
Contact us today to find out more about how this scheme can support your manufacturing and retail activity.