Social Impact Assessment (SIA)
Social Impact Assessment (SIA)
Social Impact Assessment (SIA) is a statutory requirement for most developmental and industrial activities in our country. Its purpose is to identify, examine, assess and evaluate the likely and probable impacts of a proposed project on the environment and, thereby, to work out remedial action plans to minimize adverse impact on the environment. Aurora experts have vast experience of providing SIA services and its purpose to identify impact of developmental activities on natural environment and provide advice on mitigation measures and management planning. Aurora has provided SIA services to various governments, private and international clients.
Our SIA service can benefit the client in the following manner: • Associated environmental liabilities are identified and quantified so that they can be managed • Suggesting efficient pollution control measures • Makes your project more environment friendly
SIA services sectors: • Mining of minerals; • River Valley, Hydel, Drainage and Irrigation projects; • Thermal power plants; Metallurgical industries; • Chemical Fertilizers; • Pesticides industry and pesticide specific intermediates; • Synthetic organic chemicals industry • Isolated storage & handling of hazardous chemicals; • Industrial estates/ parks/ complexes/ Areas; • Common hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities (TSDFs); • Ports, harbors, jetties, marine terminals, break waters and dredging; • Highways, Railways, transport terminals, mass rapid transport systems; • Building and large construction projects including shopping malls, multiplexes, commercial complexes, housing estates, hospitals, institutions • Townships and Area development projects.
Why Moody: MOODY is a global leader in management systems solutions, having issued various management systems certifications to date. Our dedicated and experienced auditors across the globe can speak your language and help you explore the possibility of integrating your Social Impact Assessment (SIA) initiative with other management systems. We can also act as a one-stop provider for all your quality certification needs by offering bundled product testing and certification services. With the MOODY certification mark, you demonstrate your commitment to delivering quality products and services.