MOODY INTERNATIONAL provides Temperature Humidity and Wind direction measuring services to their valued client. It is especially important to measure the temperature & humidity level inside the manufacturing process area to ensure a comfortable environment for the employees. Most of the heat stress and heat stroke occurred due to high temperatures in the working environment.
What is Temperature and Humidity Assessment?
Temperature is the measure of warmth or coldness in reference to a set standard, often expressed in terms of degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius. Humidity refers to the amount of water vapor, or moisture, in the air.
Why Temperature and Humidity Assessment is important?
Temperature and Humidity are very important for human comfort. In the workplace, temperature and humidity are the primary issues affecting employee comfort except in cases where hazardous materials may be sensitive to either.
Benefits of Temperature and Humidity Assessment.
• Increases work productivity • Alleviates physical discomfort • Increases employee productivity
We Provides:
• Each report contains the complete factory temperature and humidity measurement data. • Temperature and humidity assessment will be conducted according to standard. • Each report can be verified online.
Are you in need of a quick and reliable Inspection of TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY LEVEL? Our experienced inspectors are qualified and accredited to perform a wide range of inspections according to international standards. In many places across the globe, our inspectors can be on-site within 72 hours. You also have the option to add a video of your inspection for another layer of authentication. • Fast, Flexible and Transparent • Local Expertise • In-House and Accredited Technicians • Personalized Service